“Gyan-Setu” is a program conducted by volunteers in remote parts of border states or problem affected states of India. This year-long program, organized by Educational Activity Research Center (EARC) - Jnana Prabodhini - Pune, consists of visits by batches of volunteers to conduct sciencebased workshops and camps for middle school students. The program is designed for the states Jammu-Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam.
This program aims at helping the volunteers and the local residents of these remote areas to build communication bridges (“Setu”) to initiate a healthy dialogue. It will encourage the volunteers to be proactive to be a part of bringing about change there through educational activities for students.
The objectives of the program are the following:
1. To spread the “joy” of education among children
2. To provide “exposure” towards the world of science, technology etc.
3. To provide “inspiration” to volunteers and children to develop proactive attitude towards
solving problems before the society
Registered volunteers will participate in visits organized to these areas, in groups of 3 to 6, to conduct
such science-based workshops targeted towards middle school students (6th – 8th
volunteer will participate in at least one visit per year for the duration of 12-15 days.
The workshops to be conducted by volunteers will include:
1. Hands-on science experiments and toys
2. Activities based on natural, environmental and social sciences
3. Field trips
4. Others: Arts, craft, sports etc.
These workshops will be based on hands-on activities, interactive sessions with focus on providing supplementary inputs to regular education. Apart from one-time activities, focus will also be given on follow-up workshops and establishing continuous activities with the help of local people.
This is an appeal to all college youth, professionals, those working in education or social field and everyone interested; individuals or organizations to participate in this program and help build the “Gyan-Setu”!
For registration and further details, please visit: http://gyansetuerc.wordpress.com/
Contact us at, gyansetu.erc@gmail.com
Shrikant Gabale
Publicity and volunteer management
Prof. Vivek Ponkshe
Chief coordinator: Gyan-Setu, Head-EARC
9420481233, 020-24207193
Other details for participants of “Gyan-Setu”:
1. The volunteer willing to participate has to register for the program and will be able to participate only after confirmation from the organizing team.
2. The batches of volunteers will participate in an “Orientation-cum-Training” program at EARC - Jnana Prabodhini before going on the visit.
3. Accommodation and food will be provided to the volunteers during the visits, with support from local collaborating organizations.
4. All other expenses (including travel etc.) have to be borne by the volunteers themselves.
5. All registered volunteers will be presented with “Certificate of participation” from EARC -
Jnana Prabodhini. The registered volunteers are expected to help, guide and mentor successive batches of volunteers and thus be a part of the program even after their visit is over.
Visit Gyan Setu at Youtube: